Hamtern provides the full spectrum of insurance broking and risk advisory services to corporate and commercial enterprises. These services include:

  • Placement and renewal of insurance covers
  • Insurance portfolio management

  • Claims processing

  • Risk management

  • Consulting to corporate entities

Hamtern offers a comprehensive range of business insurance policies and products, some of which have been developed by us and are therefore available exclusively to Hamtern. These policies provide superior cover compared to the standard insurance market policies.


Our expertise includes an extensive knowledge of the following classes of insurance:

  • Property Damage and Business Interruption

  • Commercial Crime

  • Marine and Transit

  • Construction and Engineering

  • Performance Guarantees

  • Motor

  • Personal Accident

  • Travel

  • Riot and Strike

  • General Liabilities

  • Directors and Officers Liability

  • Professional Indemnity

  • Cyber Risks


In response to a growing number of our clients investing beyond the borders of South Africa, we have developed the ability to provide our clients with a multi-national insurance programme whereby the entire insurance process is controlled and administered by Hamtern. Importantly, the policy structure is fully compliant with insurance legislation in each foreign country and in most instances, it is not necessary to utilise the services of an in-country broker. This in turn reduces the cost and improves efficiencies of the insurance programme.

  • The global policy terms and conditions are controlled by Hamtern in South Africa

  • Magnitude discounts are negotiated based on the combined values of all operations within the Group.

  • Claims are managed by Hamtern

  • Insurance cover is uniform across all companies within the Group

  • The insurance programme is centrally controlled utilising South Africa domiciled insurers.


Hamtern has access to the products and services offered by all local short-term insurers and underwriting managers, thereby ensuring that we achieve the most cost-effective pricing, utilising financially secure markets that have a reputation for providing superior service.